Children’s Bureau Issuances

PIs pertinent to administration of the ICAMA

  • ACYF-CB-PI-10-11 Guidance on Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008
  • ACYF-CB-PI-10-01 Title IV-E Plans, Kinship Guardianship Assistance, Training, Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (Supersedes ACYF-CB-PI-08-07 and ACYF-CB-PI-09-04)
  • ACYF-CB-PI-08-007 Title IV-E State Plan Amendment Guardianship Assistance Program; Title IV-E Guardianship Demonstration Projects; Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoption Act of 2008
  • ACYF-CB-PI-08-007 title IV-E Plan Ammendment template

Tribal PIs

  • PI-11-04 with attachments This Program Instruction (PI) provides guidance to Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations or Tribal Consortia on actions they are required to take in order to receive their allotments for fiscal year (FY) 2012 authorized under title IV-B, subparts 1 and/or 2, the CFCIP and ETV programs.


  • Family First Prevention Services Act (ACYF-CB-IM-18-02)
    1. Time-limited foster care prevention programs and services (Attachment B)
    2. Limitations on Title IV-E foster care payments for placements that are not foster family homes (Attachment C)
    3. List of the Regional Office Program Managers within the Childrens Bureau (Attachment D)
  • ACYF-CB-IM-11-06 informs State, Tribal and Territorial Titles IV-B and IV-E agencies of the enactment of the Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act (P. L. 112-34). The summary provided in IM-11-16 does not address all provisions of the new law, but is intended to introduce the enacted provisions rather than provide substantive guidance on implementing the law.


The Children’s Bureau issuances are provided in the following formats:
PI (Program Instructions)- These issuances clarify and explain procedures and methods for operationalizing program policies, add details to program regulations or policy guide requirements, and convey to grantees program guidance information on actions they are expected or required to take.
IM (Information Memoranda)- These issuances are used as the primary means for program administrations and staff offices to communicate with State agencies and grantees or potential grantees on a variety of matters, such as program activities and priorities, progress reports, research findings, available funds, related regulations, and proposed and pending Federal legislation affecting human service programs.
PGM (Policy Guides and Manuals)- These issuances may be program regulation guides, grants administration manuals, and any other policy, program, or grants-related guides or manuals. They also provide comprehensive guidance to clarify, explain, and expand upon the meaning of the related program and grant administration rules and regulations.
AT (Action Transmittals)- These issuances convey program guidance information to grantees on actions they are expected or required to take.
PR (Program Regulations)- These issuances are used to transmit final regulations, interim final rules, and notices of proposed rule making.