State Information

Other Helpful State Lists & Information

State contact information can be updated by e-mail. Click here for the required update information or click here to complete the Add/Disable User Form for the ICAMA System.

To update or change your State’s Designated Compact Official information including Compact Administrator ((CA); only one (1) per state) or Deputy Compact Administrator (DCA), click here to download and complete the DCO Form.

To understand the comparisons of state law and policy on aspects of the provision of title IV-E and state-funded adoption assistance, home studies and finalization, and to view the State Comparison Chart, click here.

The administration of child welfare is generally state operated. Exceptions are listed here.

The Cobra Reciprocity Chart indicates each state’s policy with regard to children who are placed in or move their state who have a state-funded adoption assistance agreement with another state.
Note: Children eligible for state-funded adoption assistance are not guaranteed Medicaid eligibility if they are placed outside of or move from the state that signed their adoption assistance agreement.

This section of the website identifies the states which have adopted the ICAMA: Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance and provides various lists for contact persons in each state who provide Compact services.


State Contacts – Other Detailed Lists & Information

Each state has a designated contact or contacts for ICAMA cases. Administration of the ICAMA is done by designated ICAMA Contacts. See State Contacts lists, defined and downloadable, below.

For state contacts for the ICPC (Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children) visit the ICPC website: